Home 2023

Photo of Singalongs around the campfire after hours with David Roth!


Rooms are Sold Out

All the rooms at the Isabella Freedman Center for 2024 are now full!
As a result, we’ve created an additional 20 commuter spots where you can still register for camp provided that you arrange and pay for your own housing at a hotel, Air B & B, or campground in the area. Your registration for SummerSongs will be $1000, which covers all classes, programs, evening activities, and meals. Bring a swimsuit!

“Tuition Assistance” Discounts
There are 5 “tuition assistance” discounts available for alumni who have attended a minimum of 2 times in the past and who would not be able to attend without this assistance. The discount is $400 per person. If we receive more than 5 applicants for those slots (resident or commuter), they will be chosen by lottery on April 30th.

SummerSongs • July 20–26, 2024
at Isabella Freedman Retreat Center
116 Johnson Rd, Falls Village, CT 06031

Photos and travel info are available at the Isabella Freedman Retreat Center [website].

SummerSongs 2024 Schedule


SummerSongs 2024 Flyer

Support our

Youth Scholarship Opportunities

In 2023 our Board of Directors created a Youth Scholarship Fund for new campers between the ages of 18 and 30, and we welcomed five new songwriters to our camp, covering the full cost of each camper’s tuition. It was the unanimous feeling of the Board that this was a rich and rewarding experience for everyone in the community. The new campers themselves raved about the experience, and we hope to see some of them back with us in the future!

We’ve found that the best way to identify potential applicants is through members of our own community. This way, applicants can learn about SummerSongs, its history, mission, and culture ahead of time, and then determine for themselves if this might be a good fit and an exciting possibility!  If you know of someone who would both benefit from a week at camp and be an enriching addition to our community, please have them contact Mitch Katz at mkatz@phc-ct.com. Mitch will send out an application and once it’s returned, the Scholarship Committee will schedule an informal Zoom interview with the candidate.

There will be up to 6 scholarships available this year. As of June 22, one scholarship is still available for a male applicant. Please spread the word!

Come to camp

Tuition Assistance

As members of the SummerSongs Board and campers who have been attending SummerSongs for many years, we’re aware of the financial stresses faced by some members of our community. Many of us have jobs that help us pay for camp each summer, and coming to camp often requires taking time off from those very jobs. A week away from other routines has other costs as well.

Thanks to a generous donation from a member of our community, this year we’re able to offer tuition assistance of $400 to up to 7 individuals who have attended SummerSongs at least two times.

If this assistance would enable you to come to camp this year, please send your contact information and a short statement of need to Julie Snow (jsnowsongs@gmail.com) by April 1st. If we exceed our limit of recipients, seven will be chosen by lottery and informed soon after. You’ll then need to register for camp by May 1st to secure your spot and discount.

"the most creative songwriting week of my life"
"a perfect blend of encouragement, kindness, community, play, and creation"
"transforming and positively life-changing"
"food for the soul"
"a dream come true"
"a celebration of community in a week-long village of kindred spirits"
"an experience you’ll carry with you the rest of your life"

Welcome to 2024!

…and may this incoming New Year bring creativity, joy, new awarenesses, and inspiration.

Save the dates:

Saturday, July 20 – Friday, July 26, 2024
The 26th Annual SummerSongs
@ the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center

We’ve come a long way since our first camp when founder Penny Nichols brought her dream to life and lit a candle that’s still burning brightly today. Every gathering has been special in one way or another, and this one in our new venue (complete with 400 wooded acres, a lake, farm-to-table organic food, and more) will give us opportunity to remember and celebrate our journey, both as campers and as a community. Again, we welcome newcomers!

Announcing our amazing teaching faculty this coming summer:

Susan Cattaneo • Steve Seskin
Abbie Gardner • Reggie Harris
Sloan Wainwright • David Roth
Harold Payne • Vito Petroccitto

Mark Dann • Julie Snow
Glen Roethel • Sue Riley

Our songwriting camp began in 1999 as a dream realized by Penny. We’ve assembled every year since then to reconnect, collaborate, celebrate, and learn from and about one another and the world through the lenses of songwriting, creativity, and humanity. We do this by presenting the finest songwriters we know who also happen to be great, generous, and humble communicators of this craft we hold so highly. We offer all-levels classes, coffeehouses, concerts, song circles, and community, and we’ve collectively discovered how meaningful and enriching our time together is.

We can’t wait to welcome you once more.

David Roth ~ Executive Director

Board of Directors
Chris Kunstadter ~ President
Sloan Wainwright ~ Vice President
Sue Riley ~ Treasurer
Mitch Katz
Steven Prasinos
Glen Roethel
Julie Snow

©2024. SummerSongs Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SummerSongs Inc. PO Box 1012, Elfers FL 34680

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Summersongs is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization*, so your donation is tax-deductible, and it will help bring music education to chroniclers and historians from communities like yours.

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