Work Scholarship Opportunities at East Coast Camps

Save some money off your camp registration fee by applying for a Work Scholarship! A great opportunity to get taste of the back-end that makes camp happen and connect with the other campers in new ways! Please note: We will offer you another position to consider if your chosen job is filled.

Work Scholarship Job Descriptions || East Coast Only

 (Click a + sign to open a description.) 
Registration and Clean-up Manager - $100

Registration and Clean-up Manager

Description of Responsibilities

The Registration and Clean-up Manager will be expected to arrive at camp around noon or at the same time as the director (Susan Marie Reeves or Penny Nichols). The Registration and Clean-up Manager will manage the following:
1. Help unload camp supply boxes from cars;
2. Place all Registration materials at the Registration location (check with Director for location);
3. Put up signs and banners;
4. Help unpack boxes and get camp ready for the campers’ arrival.

Responsibilities During Camp

During camp, the Registration and Clean-up Manager will clean up any miscellaneous cups, plates, trash, etc. that are lying around in classrooms, dining areas, and performance spaces. You also will help ensure that each teacher has the supplies that they have requested for conducting their classes (white board, markers, etc.) A list will be provided.

Responsibilities at the End of Camp

At the end of camp, the Registration and Clean-up Manager will manage the following:
1. Tour all of the now-vacant rooms and collect any and all items left behind (lost and found items) and bring them to Disorientation;
2. Ensure that all boxes are loaded into the cars which will deliver them to their storage places.

Discount Value: $100.00 off the price of camp.

Snack Manager - $100

Snack Manager

Description of Responsibilities

The Snack Manager will manage the following:
1. Make an announcement at dinner on the first night requesting Volunteers to help with nightly Snack, and they will coordinate those Volunteers.
2. Ensure that Snack is put out every night (around 10pm) and that a variety of foods always is provided;
3. Put away Snack when Snack time ends;
4. Clean and prepare the dining area for breakfast in the morning (pick up and discard all trash, re-arrange the tables and chairs);
5. Turn out all of the lights in the dining hall.

Discount Value: $100.00 off the price of camp.

Sound Crew Manager - $100

Stage Crew Manager

Description of Responsibilities

The Stage Crew Manager will manage the following:
1. Arrive early to camp on the first day and help set up the sound system;
2. In addition, during all evening performances – every night of camp – the Stage Crew Manager may be asked to run the sound and/or remain near the stage to help with stage and sound crew jobs;
3. The Stage Crew Manager must follow the direction of the sound engineer;
4. At the end of camp, the Stage Crew Manager must clear the stage and return the sound equipment to its boxes or default setup. This can be done with the help of invited volunteers.

Discount Value: $100.00 off the price of camp.

Work Scholarship Application Form, East Camps

[contact-form-7 id=”4676″ title=”Work Scholarship Application Form East Camps”]