Donate to SummerSongs

Donate to SummerSongs by selecting your donation destination, then add the dollar amount you’d like to give. Your other details will be requested at checkout. Thank you for your generosity, and be sure to note that Summersongs is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so your donation is tax-deductible. We will provide you with the required documentation.


SummerSongs 25-Year Anniversary

Donate to SummerSongs. TYPE THE AMOUNT you’d like to give. Thank you for your generosity, and be sure to note that your donation is tax-deductible!

Donate to the Penny Nichols Youth Scholarship Fund

In the summer of 1999, Penny Nichols took a leap of faith and held the first SummerSongs songwriting camp at the Ashokan Field Campus in Olivebridge, NY. (We now gather at the Stony Point Center in Stony Point, NY.)

That first summer 37 campers and three or four adventurous teachers – touring professionals in their own right – created a life-changing experience that has continued nurturing us, and other songwriters, through today. Imagine being in a setting where you can develop your songwriting skills, face your performance fears, and make rich and lasting friendships in an atmosphere infused with acceptance and support. That was SummerSongs then. That is SummerSongs today.

After twenty years, we now have a substantial core of campers along with newcomers every year, but our economy has made it increasingly difficult for new, young songwriters to afford a week away at camp.

It is for this reason that we have created the Penny Nichols Youth Scholarship Fund. We hope to help young songwriters afford a week at SummerSongs and have the kind of life-changing experiences that so many of us have enjoyed.

Please help us spread Penny’s message. No amount is too small. Thank you for your generous donations!

Summersongs is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization*, so your donation is tax-deductible, and it will help bring music education to chroniclers and historians from communities like yours.

And don’t forget to check with your employer about matching your charitable donation – it makes your money twice as effective!

Yes! I support the mission of SummerSongs!


*A copy of our most recent IRS form is available upon request.

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Make a Donation

Make a donation to SummerSongs in any amount that you'd like.